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Fashioning chemicals that matter

Modern chemical manufacturing relies on expensive, extensive, and environmentally harmful crude oil processing. We produce chemicals without oil. Our production lines are simple, decentralized, easy to operate, and rely entirely on scalable technologies.



Humanity has been pumping oil from the ground and refining it into purer fractions since early civilization. Yet petroleum is inherently crude, and producing highly defined products involves environmental and performance trade-offs.


​While the $10 trillion petroleum industry is refinery-driven, Ohr is creationary. By harnessing enzymes—nature’s most precise molecular machines—we build carbon chains of precise, deterministic lengths from simple, ubiquitous building blocks.


Our approach eliminates the need for refining and produces single-species carbon chains without contaminants like heavy metals or sulfur.


This isn’t just a technological shift—it’s our foothold toward an oil-free world.

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Despite immense promise and trillions of dollars invested, the impact of biomanufacturing on the petrochemical industry remains niche.


Rather than engineering biology to be more efficient, we turn back time to an era before biology existed at all. We teach modern enzymes to harness primordial chemistry and build the products we need.


The result is a cell- and cofactor-free approach that retains the selectivity, elegance, and efficiency of biocatalysis—but at significantly lower complexities and costs.


We call it Reverse Darwinism. Think of it as if evolution had a ‘$’ sign as its objective.

rocket fuel

Our first strategic product

Because we start from CO2-derived feedstocks, purity is inherent to our process.

Rocket fuel is our first product for multiple reasons, but primarily because it's the most refined fuel of all.


Our fuel is refinement free and fits existing aerospace (and aviation) infrastructure. It also contains zero sulfur, heavy metals, and olefins.


Because it's made of a single component, we can tailor its properties according to our customers' desires.


More products are in the making...

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